Metsästysyhdistys in English

Welcome to the homepage of the Pyhäranta Hunting Association (Pyhärannan Metsästysyhdistys). As a member, the association is part of the Finnish Hunters’ Association’s Southwest Finland.

The association was founded in 12 of May, 1936 and is based in Pyhäranta. The construction of the hunting lodge began in 1987. The groundwork was carried out as work in support. The house was completed in 1989.

Pyhärannan Metsästysyhdistys has a total of about 150 members. Approximately 300,000 persons obtain a hunting card in Finland annually. The number is high in relation to overall population, when compared to other European countries.

Pyhärannan Metsästysyhdistys has almost 400 agreements and total approximately 9700 ha area for hunting  (individual agreements can have limitations for hunted prey etc.).

Hunting in Finland requires

  • a Finnish hunting card
  • a hunting permit granted under the right to hunt or issued by the land owner or holder of hunting rights
  • right to keep and maintain firearms
  • for certain species of game, a hunting licence or a derogation

A successful shooting test is required

  • in hunting moose and deer, bear or wild boar with a rifled firearm
  • in hunting a white-tailed deer, roe deer or wild boar with a hunting bow

More information is available in English Suomen Riistakeskus web pages.